
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Technology and Social Media! / Tecnologia e a Media mudando a educacao!

Today my Web 2.0 Teacher Mr. Larkin and Mr. Sullivan email me this questions and I will love too see other people’s thoughts on that subject too.

How do you see technology and social media changing education? What do you think is good and what are your concerns?

Social media is given us a chance to get a higher education because there is awesome tools online that really help students and they really grab the attention to a certain topic and we can see and share different ideas with different classes around the world . I think is time to change the traditional methods that teachers uses to teach students such as (seating on the class listening to a teacher for hours and in the end you don’t really know much) I think teacher should use social media because sometimes one single explanation might not make sense to someone but having a opportunity to go online and research a topic and having many options to choose from would really help students understand the subject better. My only concern is how teacher are going to prevent students wasting their time on Facebook and other Social networks Web sites.

Hoje meu professor de Web 2.0 Mr. Larkin and Mr. Sullivan me mandaram um email com essas perguntas e eu estou expressando minha opiniao nesse topico e adoraria de ver o que outras pessoas pensam disso tambem.

Como voce ve a tecnologia e a social media esta influenciando a mudanca nas formas de educacao? O que voce acha dessa ideia?Fale das vantagem e desvantagens na sua opiniao?

Eu acho que hoje em dia uma grande revolucao e esta acontecendo na educacao. Social Media fornece ferramentas maravilhosas para estudantes ao mundo a forra. Na minha opiniao todos os professores deveriam sim usar social media em classes. Eu penso que esta na hora de quebrar aquela imagem de que a escola e um lugar chato. Os beneficios que Social Media apresentam para agente sao muitos e acho maravilhosa a ideia de trocar informacoes com pessoas com culturas differentes. Mais tenho uma preoucupacao muito grande sobre como professores vao inpedir estudantes de entram e se destrair em websites como Facebook .
Qual e sua opiniao?

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